May 13, 2011

Fajitas Are The Most Obnoxious Dish You Can Oder At A Restaurant

Ordering fajitas anywhere is pretty much like telling the whole restaurant, “Hey look at me, I need so much attention that I’m going to have my food scream as it comes to my table.”  My mother, out of all people, ordered fajitas a few nights ago, and as they came out everyone at the restaurant stopped what they were doing to see what all the commotion was.  They soon realized that it was only an iron skillet with a few chicken slices and veggies and promptly went back to eating and conversing.  But for that brief moment, when all eyes were on her, my mother felt like she was the big cheese at the Island Outpost. 
Also, what really pissed me off is that she was trying to give all her fajitas away to everyone.  Listen mah, if you’re gonna order fajitas you gotta be extremely selfish with them.  You have to keep up the image of the badass with all the attention.

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