So last night for me was kind of a dilemma. I went to this house party in Bedford that was supposed to be fun but turned out awful. The same thing happened last night that happens every time at a house party. Unfamiliar guys (townies) show up and make the party awkward as hell. Im talking guys with lax pinnys on, drinking a full bottle of Raspberry Svedka to themselves. The guys who show up in groups of 17 all wearing cut off Affliction t-shirts and earrings. Push comes to shove I make and Irish exit with my buddy and we go into Boston and spend at least $150. So here's my question, is it worth it to pay $150 on drinks in the city to not run into these morons, or do I just suck it up and make the most of my situation? 99 times out of 100 im paying my way out, take the hit on the bank account and get on with my life.
PS- the house was actually really nice and i guarantee one of those jamokes stole something
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