February 17, 2011

Bets Are Now Open For Auburn's "Toomer's Tree Poisoning" Retaliation

I can't believe one redneck, who didn't even attend any of the schools, is about to start a civil war in Alabama between AU and UA.  So it seems like this tree is on life support right now and when Auburn eventually pulls the cord you will not see me anywhere near Denny Chimes, Walk of Champions, the quad and possibly Chick Fil-A.  These are absolute hot-spots for Auburn terrorists and I want to be far far away when they finally strike.  I was trying to think of what the masterminds of Auburn are brewing up for their diabolical plan but the only things I could think up would involve masses of manpower that Auburn is just not capable of generating.  So what do you think?  What should we expect to happen/where should I stay the hell away from?

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